Eradiate Winter News
The Eradiate team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! In this newsletter, we look back at the past months’ achievements and share our plans and hopes for the year to come.
New on the website #
Without further ado, let’s start with the outcome of the team’s work this year. We’ve been busy with Eradiate’s design, and we are pleased to announced that the Requirements, General Design and Detailed Design documents are now available on the documentation page. In addition, the Scientific Handbook, which collects the algorithms and numerical methods implemented by Eradiate, is also available. You might notice that the website has been given a facelift: since November, it’s using the Academic Hugo theme.
In addition, we have completed a Cal/Val study (Cal/Val is Eradiate’s primary purpose) about the accuracy of radiative transfer models. You can read a summary of its outcomes on our blog and find the complete report on our documentation page.
Eradiate Workshop 2019 #
We had the pleasure to meet with our colleagues for the Eradiate Workshop 2019 at the JRC’s premises in Ispra. This year’s workshop focused on the involvement of the community in Eradiate’s development. The following resources are available for download:
What is next? #
As previously mentioned, our work since May 2019 mainly consisted in engineering and designing Eradiate. This phase of the project is now completed and we are now proceeding with the actual development of Eradiate’s core infrastructure. The first release is due this Summer and will feature Python bindings, a plugin system, user and developer documentation infrastructure, scene generation features and components for basic Monte Carlo ray tracing. We’ll soon have some pictures and plots to show!